Friday, August 22, 2008

A Summer Gone

So long
my friends, my compatriots.
You have made this summer rich.
Rich with life and hope
Embedded with great memories

you wonderful people,
many of whom I will
never ever see again
and I will be worse for it.

Auf Wiedersehen
to a summer full of laughs,
An oasis of experiences.
Another change of heading
in life's steady onward course.

Good Night
to the many new things I've seen.
A solemn farewell to all that Seattle
had to offer this fruity student.
So long and thanks for all the fruit.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Echoes of humanity,
Strands of symphony.
The notes of masters
ride on the waves of time
down through the ages.

Showing majesty and beauty
to that, the most neglected
of senses.

Vibrations seemingly random
but they reflect a beauty
found in every one of us.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Choose Two


Poison Prick of the Rose

is a line walked

What if
you ruined someone's life
and it wasn't your fault?

What if
that person will never be
HAPPY ever again?

Are you a bad person?
Isn't everyone supposed to find
Isn't it all supposed to end in
Halos and Roses?

Can it stop the flood?

My Friends.
Wonderful people
But they are so far away.
They can never be a
Major Part of My Life.

Sadness expressed.
It rolls down my cheek.
Another wonderful experience
But it is a vacation
and it does not change the direction of My Life.

Scars on my Psyche

Why won't the bleeding stop?
Why can't the past go away?
Sometimes the pain of the past
is greater than the value of the teachings
that have been passed.

Sometimes I wish those people hadn't been hurt
Sometimes I wish I hadn't done those things
Those firsts, Those wonderful moments
They were so great
But now every time my life tries to hit repeat
I feel like I just committed seppuku.

I want to enjoy it so much.
I want to move on
but it's always like I'm on the sole engine
pulling a whole caravan of cars up Mount EVEREST.

Friday, August 1, 2008


Bits in array.
Bytes in formation.
Dedicated to a duty
or Free for all to grab.
Just Ones and Zeroes on and on
And you can't turn it off, it won't go away.
They take forever to clear from these Masses of Memory.
These ghosts stick with you long after the power has been shut off.